Tuesday, August 12, 2008 18:57

Debate session again! yay! The girls debated today and yea, they did well. Seeing them worrying so much and all yesterday. I kept reminding them that they'll do fine and they'll settle everything very fast. Easy to say! And it's my turn this thursday, 2 more days and it is my turn! Sniff sniff, tension betul. But anyway, today was quite fun, photos here and there, posters here and there. Support mar =P So anyway, you guys did well including Elliot and gang. Fuyoh! Elliot~! Haha, wonder how we'll do this thursday. Teruk la! Argh, so anyway, pics for today...

Debate Session

Clement, Alex and Elliot (Side A)

Jessica, Yan Ming and Anna (Side B)

Open Discussion Session

More pics...

Supporters and photographers

and of course, not forgetting us! GAY us! =P

Once again, you guys did really well! Congrats.

*pics taken from http://jessica-liveinlife.blogspot.com/

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